Create bootable USB/DVD using Windows 7 USB/DVD download tool

When you are downloading the iso image for Operating System like Windows 8 or Windows 7, the iso image has to be copied to USB or DVD to install into your system. It means you have to make a bootable version of your Operating System.

Here I am going to mention about a tool that assist you in making bootable DVD/USB within 4 simple steps. Here is the steps.

Download the tool from here…….Windows 7 USB/DVD download tool

1. Run the Windows 7 USB/DVD download tool. Then a window showing an option for Browse will appear. Browse the iso file to burn.

Browse window
Browse window

After browsing the iso file click “next’.

2. Then a window having the option to select the device to which the iso file have to burn will come.

Choose media type
Choose media type

3. After choosing media type a window will open like this

Begin Copying
Begin Copying

click on ‘Begin Copying’.

4. Wait for a while for creating your bootable media.

Creating Bootable Media
Creating Bootable Media.

That’s it. Your bootable USB/DVD is ready.

Partitioning Hard disk without formatting

If you buy a new laptop or PC sometimes there will be only one partition for your hard disk (normally named C). So here the scenario is there is one drive for both OS and for storage of user data.  So as a method to organize your data we need to partition our disk (may 1 or 2 or more according to your HDD capacity).

The one method for partitioning the drive is at the time of installation of OS. But during the installation the whole data that is already in the C drive will be lost if no back up is created. If the size of the data for the back up is big then it will be inconvenient. So here is the method to partition the hard disk without formatting.

1. Right click on My Computer and select ‘Manage’

My Computer -> Right Click -> Manage
My Computer -> Right Click -> Manage

2. Now a new Window called Disk management will appear and in that window select Storage on left panel and then go to Disk Management.

Disk Management” class /> Storage -> Disk Management

3. This will display the drives present in your computer as below

Drive Information
Drive Information

4. Then select the drive that you want to partition. Then right click on it and apply ‘Shrink Volume’.

right click -> Shrink Volume class /> Select drive ->right click -> Shrink Volume

This will open a new window which contains information of how much space is there in selected drive, how much space available for shrink, space to enter the amount of volume to shrink and the remaining size of disk after shrink (all in MB)

Enter the amount of partition that you want to create from existing partition and press Shrink.

Enter Volume
Enter Volume

5. After this wait for some time as the process take time to complete. The time will depend upon the size of new volume. After the completion of current process a window will appear and it will show an unallocated space having same size as we created now.

Right click on the space and select ‘New Simple Volume’

unallocated space ->Right Click ->New Simple Volume

6. A new Wizard will open and enter the required values such as NTFS file system, Volume label (D, E, F etc..) and click next.

Enter the Settings
Enter the Settings

Now a new partition will be created on the specific name.