How to fix ‘not valid ISO’ problem in Windows 7 USB/DVD download tool

In order to make bootable version of any Microsoft operating system such as Windows 7 or Windows 8, we can use Windows 7 USB/DVD download tool. But sometimes if we browse and select the iso file the tool will show the error message that ‘the selected file is not a valid iso file’.

Error message

To solve this problem here I am familiarizing you with 2 powerful tools which deals with the CD/DVD Image Formats like ISO, .BIN, .IMG, .CIF, .NRG etc…. The tools are…

1. PowerISO

2.Magic ISO 

Now I am going to show you how to use these tools to solve the problem.

1. Open the PowerISO/Magic ISO 

2. Then go to file-> Image Properties

3. Select the image properties and click on the UDF check box

4. Then go to File -> save and save the iso file

That’s it now you can use the iso file without the error.

In PowerISO

Using PowerISO

In Magic ISO

Using MagicISO

Download PowerISO from here……

Download Magic ISO from here…….

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