Tag Archives: Android

How to type in your Regional language?

We all are seen in some of the websites or blogs are written in regional language. In social media sites also people used to type in their own language. There are several methods to type in your own language through your phone or PC. Here I am going to mention about a Google service which is one of the easiest and convenient way to type in your language.

Google Input Tools

The available service is ‘Google Input tools’. Earlier the service is only available for PC users(Windows). But now it is available for android devices and as a Google Chrome extension. So it means we can type in your own language at anywhere as it is now available as chrome extension and in android devices.

So here you can download the Google Input Tool 

Currently Google input tool for Windows is available in 22 regional languages. Amharic, Arabic, Bengali, Persian, Greek, Gujarati, Hebrew, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Nepali, Oriya, Punjabi, Russian, Sanskrit, Serbian, Sinhala, Tamil, Telugu, Tigrinya and Urdu.

Now you can communicate in the language you need whether it is at home, at work, or somewhere in between. It’s one benefit is it remember your corrections and maintains a custom dictionary for new or uncommon words and names. Google Input Tool will be a useful and user friendly utility for you in the case of typing in your own language.

How to set password for BSNL WiFi Network?

When we take an Internet connection from any service provider they are actually giving your PC a temporary IP address. So when we accessing the Internet facilities we are actually in a public network. This public network can be accessible by anyone and having less security measures.

Secure WiFiIf our modem is WiFi enabled then the signal can be accessible to any one within the range. So the primary security measure to secure your WiFi network is to set a secret password on the network. When a secret password  is set for your network it will ask the security key before connecting any device.

Here is the method for setting password for your BSNL WiFi network.

1. Open your web browser and type

This is the IP address of Default Gateway

2. Enter both the Username and password as admin

3. Now click on the Wireless link on the left side.

4. From the listing options click on Basic

  •  Check the Enable Wireless box and give a name in SSID and click on save/apply button

5. Then click on the Security link on left

  • Make WEP Encryption option enabled
  • Next Choose options 128 bit security and Network Key 1
  • Enter your Network Key in the first field

6. Save changes by clicking save/apply button

That’s it…!! Now you will be asked to enter the security key while trying to connect to the network……..Now surf the Internet with Relax.